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Toy Lending Library

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Membership Fees

Family yearly membership
$30.00 –Initial Membership
$20-Renewal within 3 months of expiry date

Agency yearly Membership

Gift certificates available

There is a refundable deposit of $20.00.

Members may borrow up to five items.

It is understood that items borrowed are returned in the same condition they left. 

It is the borrowers responsibility to make sure all pieces are returned.

Hours of Operation

Mondays - Fridays


202 3rd Ave SE Manning Alberta, Canada

Contact: 780-836-2588



Tired of the same old toys? No room for those great big toys? Would like to try something out before investing in another toy? Do you have grandchildren or other small visitors? Then a membership in the Toy Lending Library is for you.

A toy library makes quality play materials available for lending.  Our large collection includes music toys, puzzles and imaginative toys.  Large ride on toys, building materials and outdoor equipment is there to be lent out.  Drop by to check our our wide selection, guaranteed to please.

What is a Good Toy

  • Safe and appropriate for child's age

  • Well constructed, no sharp edges or toxic paints

  • Can be used in a variety of ways

  • Challenging to a child but not frustrating

  • Child provides the power to operate

  • Will be interesting to a child through many stages

  • Inviting to the senses

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