Manning Family Day Home
Benefits for Parents
Homes are monitored to ensure consistent level of care.
Back up care is available.
Hassle free child care placement.
Flexibility of care reflects the needs of the family with daily routines and age appropriate activities
Healthy meals and snacks in a caring home environment
Year end income tax receipt is issue.
Numbers of children are limited to six in the home at any given time, this includes the Provider's children with no more than two children under the age of two or three under the age of three, with the remainder being older.
What is a Family Day Home?
Children are cared for in a home other than their own.
Quality care is ensured through administration of homes by a government approved agency.
Agency matches, places children and provides ongoing supervision.

Cost of Care per child
Cost of care is based on an hourly or daily rate.
$ 8.00 per hour
$ 35.00 per day for 5-8 hours
$10.00/month Family Administration Fee
Late Fees
Children must be picked up at the arranged time. In case of emergency, it is the parent responsibility to call the Provider and inform them of the situation. If the parent fails to call, they will be charged $5 for every 15 minutes of portion thereof after the arranged pick up time.
Working parents may qualify for Government Subsidy if your household income is less than $75,000.
Please inquire by following the quick link below or go to: